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About JETAA International


We support and connect alumni around the world, and ensure the continuity and vitality of JET and JETAA.

JETAAI was relaunched in 2016, though we have a long and storied history. Our aim is to support and promote the activities and growth of JET alumni associations (JETAA chapters) around the world.

What JETAA-I does

These are some of the functions or roles that we take on as JETAA-I:

  • foster collaboration and relationships

  • foster communications between chapters, alumni and from organisations such as the Association of JETs (AJET) and Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)

  • support JET and JETAA activities

  • organise the JETAA International Meeting

  • evaluate applications to become new JETAA chapters.


This website provides resources for JETAA chapters such as chapter administration and budgeting. For anyone looking to set up a new chapter or subchapter, we can provide guidance on the process.

We also run projects and initiatives - and welcome any help and interest from the alumni.

What JETAA-I doesn't do

There are limits to our jurisdiction. We do not:

  • enforce rules and hand out penalties and punishment

  • provide funding, grants or any kind of subsidy.

JETAA-I does not handle JET Programme applications. Applications are processed by Japanese embassies and consulates around the world.

Structure of JETAA-I

JETAA-I contains the the Core Committee and the Executive Committee.

The Core Committee is made up of the Executive Officers of Chair and Vice Chair, then the Board of Advisors and the Webmaster. 

The Executive Committee contains the JETAA Country Representatives. The Country Representatives are elected by their local alumni community - usually defined by country, and can contain one or more chapters.

The Core and Executive Committees work together - there is no hierarchy or seniority in this structure.

A diagram showing how the Executive Officers, Board of Advisors, Webmaster and Country Representatives are linked together.

JETAA-I bylaws

JETAA-I is governed by a set of bylaws adopted by the Executive Committee. It provides the operational framework for the organization. The bylaws also provide a basic framework for chapters to integrate into that international network. 

The JETAA International bylaws were adopted May 21, 2016. Amendments were ratified at the 2022 International Meeting in Tokyo in November 2022. 

Download the bylaws

The bylaws are available in both English and Japanese.

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