History of the Core Committee
This section outlines how the JETAA-I Core Committee has changed over time, and preserves a record of those who have served.
The first JETAA International Bylaws were introduced in 1999 at that year’s International Conference. However, Executive Officer elections were not held until the 2000 JETAA International Conference.
An “Interim Organizational Committee” existed for the 1999 conference and continued to 2000. It was chaired by Anita Chandan (Montreal), and included Daniel Lintz (Eastern Japan), Yvonne Thurman (New York), Tom Robles (Winnipeg), and Bill Higgins (Philadelphia).
The four Executive Officer positions (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) were based on the standard chapter officer model of the early years, in the expectation there would be a need for a secretary and treasurer as the organization developed. In 2006, the Treasurer position was officially changed to a Public Relations position, as that was considered more realistic and meaningful.
Until 2011, all Executive Officer elections were held at the annual gatherings (first the International Conferences, with Chapter and Country Reps, then International Meetings, with only Country Reps). It took from the last International Meeting of JETAA-I 1.0 in 2011 until the end of 2013 for an online election process to be developed, even though chapters and countries had been using online voting for years.
In JETAA-I 1.0 the four Executive Officers were elected from the members of the Executive Committee (Country Reps). Motions to expand the candidate pool to Chapter Reps were debated but rejected over the years. The Executive Officers were considered to be a part of the Committee, as in a parliamentary system.
JETAA-I 2.0 relaxed the requirement that officers be Country Reps. The number of Officers was reduced to the Chair and Vice Chair, as the other positions were not effectively used due to the lack of funding and activity. These two remaining positions were reorganised as an executive separate from the Committee, which serves as the legislative.
The Webmaster position was formalized, since 2.0 was envisioned as a largely online entity and not dependent upon physical meetings. A Board of Advisors was also added to provide support for the Officers and continuity for the organization.
2020 - 2021
Chair: Nathalie Ng (Singapore)
Vice-Chair: Andrew Massey (Canada)
Webmaster: Eden Law (Australia)
Board of Advisors
Matthew Gillam (US)
Ryan Hata (US)
Xander Peterson (US)
Megan Buhagiar (AJET) - partial
Note: Megan stepped away part-way through the year and turmoil within AJET prevented identifying a replacement.
2021 - 2022
Chair: Nathalie Ng (Singapore)
Vice-Chair: Andrew Massey (Canada)
Webmaster: Eden Law (Australia)
Board of Advisors
Matthew Gillam (US)
Ryan Hata (US)
Xander Peterson (US)
Cheryl Phua (Singapore)
Tomo Morimoto (DoARes) / Anna Ayvazyan (DoARel) - AJET (sharing seat)
Note: Cheryl was added to beef up the Board, since several members had been lost through various developments and more hands were needed to plan the 2022 IM. The AJET seat was empty for several months, before filled by Anna and Tomo.
2022 - 2023
Chair: Laurence Inniss (Trinidad & Tobago)
Vice-Chair: Tai Lam (Canada)
Webmaster: Eden Law (Australia)
Board of Advisors
Matthew Gillam (US)
Ryan Hata (US)
Cheryl Phua (Singapore)
Stephen Viernes, then Logan Keene (AJET)
Note: The Executive Officer elections took place halfway through this period. Laurence and Tai became the new Chair and Vice Chair. The AJET role was filled by two AJET members, with periods of inactivity in between officers. This is due in part to AJET officer elections that saw a change in the person taking the position.