German JETAA
Germany (along with France) joined the JET Programme in 1989 when German and French were included as new target languages in Japanese schools.

German JETAA includes German-speaking JET alumni in different countries, so its name is not referring to Germany as a country but rather to the shared language of the chapter.​
German JETs are usually hired as CIRs. To learn more about the JET Programme in Germany, please visit the Embassy of Japan in Germany website (in German).​​
About German JETAA
​German JETs in CIR positions are often recruited to support municipalities or prefectures in their official relations with German sister cities and states and to foster intercultural exchange between Japan and Germany. As CIRs they have good command of both Japanese and English. German JETs are most suitable to promote international exchange between Japan, Germany and the rest of the world on various levels and contribute to the ongoing success of the purposes of the JET Programme.​
German JETAA has about 300 alumni on its list of members. There is a small group of 30 alumni in Berlin and most chapter activities consist of supporting or being included in events (which are usually held by the Embassy of Japan).
In Germany, alumni are scattered all over the country. About 10 local groups exist, and they meet to share memories of their time back in Japan, exchange information concerning "life after JET" back in Germany and contribute to local events connected to Japan.​